"What is cloud technology?"
If you run a business that relies on IT and you aren't asking this question, you need to be.
It's no secret that technology is always on the move. In order to stay competitive, you need to be aware of the latest and greatest in emerging technology. That’s why small companies need to take advantage of cloud computing services ASAP.
But what is it? And how can it benefit your business?
Those are questions we're going to look at in this post, so keep reading to learn more. The information you find here will answer the question of what is cloud technology, and show you just why it could be critical to your business’s success and survival.
The Definition of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a way for you to remove essential information technology related services off site while retaining the ability to continue using them.
One example that many people are familiar with is email. Instead of relying on email software systems like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail or another widely available email service can be used to store and manage emails off of your hard drive.
Cloud computing also allows information to easily be shared and stored offsite. This makes it possible to access the information you need no matter where you are.
How Does Cloud Computing Work?
At its core, cloud based computing is all about the network. When your company's computers are connected to the cloud, you send information to the company that hosts the servers you use to store your information.
Whether that information is a spreadsheet, a document, music, movies, pictures, or anything else, you retrieve your data from that company's servers when you want to, rather than keeping files stored locally on your own machines.
The Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing
Of course, when asking the question of what is cloud computing, it helps to know just what the benefits of the practice are.
If you run a business and turn to the cloud for your computing needs, some of the benefits include:
- Anywhere Access – When you use the cloud, you can access your information from anywhere as long as you have access to the internet. This is especially useful for telecommuters and people who are constantly on the road.
- Lower Overhead – There was a time when relying on your own storage servers meant finding room for them on site and paying to maintain them. With cloud storage, those costs aren't yours to carry any longer.
- Flexibility – Businesses grow and so too do their IT needs. When you ask the question “what is cloud technology,” keep in mind that many cloud computing solutions allow you to expand features like the available storage space.
- Lower Risk of Data Loss – Backing up your data in the cloud can protect your files from being lost in the event of an IT disaster. Cloud-based business uptime solutions are now available to protect your important data assets.
If you are considering cloud technology for your company, two of the main things you need to be aware of include:
- Potential Security Concerns– Because cloud based computing is outsourced, you won't always have a say in how information is secured against unauthorized access. Always consult with an IT expert to find providers and services you can trust.
- Internet Reliance – This is less of an issue now than it was several years ago as cloud technology was emerging, but the internet is not widely available everywhere. Without that, you would not have access to the cloud.
When weighing your options, take these two points into consideration and you'll have a better idea of what to expect when turning to cloud service for your company's IT management needs.
Is Cloud Computing Right for You?
Because no two companies are the same, you will probably need IT consulting to assess your needs and determine just what cloud-based solution right for you.
To get more answers to the question of “what is cloud technology and how it can help my business," trust the IT professionals of DSR-Inc. Call us today at (410) 579-4508, or contact us online.
We'll go over your options and show you just what the cloud can do for your business.